
How to start investing with P10,000
Are you thinking you need more money before you can start investing? That is a myth we are happy to bust for you.

Spend, save or invest? What to do with your dollars
With the recent currency movements, many who hold US dollar deposits or are in the receiving end of remittances are wondering what to do next.

Exposure Limit to a Single Person or Entity
The combined exposure of the UIT Fund to any entity and its related parties shall not exceed 15% of the market value of the UIT Fund

Circular No. 447 of the BSP Monetary Board
The regulations are intended to align the operation of pooled funds under management by trust entities with international best practices and to ensure differentiation from bank deposits and other direct

Basic Standards in the Administration of Trust, Other Fiduciary and Investment
The cardinal principle common to all trust and other fiduciary relationships is fidelity. Policies predicated upon this principle are directed towards confidentiality, scrupulous care, safety and

Amendments to Unit Investment Trust Funds Regulations
Unit Trust Funds, Trust Entity, Board of Directors, Collective Investment Scheme, Feeder Fund, Fund of funds, Target Fund, Investor Fund, Related Party/ Company

BSP Circular 593
Each UIT Fund shall be established, administered and maintained in accordance with a written trust agreement drawn by trustee, referred to as the \"Plan\" which shall be approved by the Board of Directors

Cross Currency Investment for Peso Trust, Other Fudiciary and Investment
Allowing cross-currency investment for peso trust, other fiduciary and investment management accounts, including peso unit investment trust funds, the Manual of Regulations for Banks and Manual of

UITFs Do's and Don'ts
Do read the Declaration of Trust, Information Memo, Offering Circular or similar document about the Fund/s you are interested in before investing.

Risk Disclosure
Prior to making an investment in any UITF, investors should be aware of the risks that may be associated with such investment. As investments in UITFs carry different degrees of risk, it is necessary that

Types of UITF: Easing the Challenge of Selection
As financial markets evolve, investment choices multiply. In the Philippines, nothing exemplifies this better than the number of unit investment trust funds (UITFs) available to the local investor.

Taxation of Unit Investment Trust Funds
On September 3, 2004, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) issued Circular No. 447 which paved the way for the creation of Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs). A UITF is an open-ended pooled trust fund